Full Cost of Electricity Publications

photo collage from cover of white paper, showing transmission tower, wind turbines and Texas state flag

Capacity Expansion and Dispatch Modeling: Model Documentation and Results for ERCOT Scenarios

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing power plants and light bulbs

EPA’s Valuation of Environmental Externalities from Electricity Production

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing transmission lines and money

Estimation of Transmission Costs for New Generation

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing wind turbines, cooling tower and dam

Federal Financial Support for Electricity Generation Technologies

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing electricty meter, home and transmission lines

Future Utility Business Models

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing electricty meter, wind turbine and smokestacks

The History and Evolution of the U.S. Electricity Industry

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing light bulb, transmission tower and wind turbines

Impact of renewable generation on operational reserves requirements: When more could be less

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing solar panel installation, power lines, and people holding hands

Integrating Community Values into the Full Cost of Electricity

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing solar panel installation, solar array and the sun

Integrating Photovoltaic Generation: Cost of Integrating Distributed Photovoltaic Generation to the Utility Distribution Circuits

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing gas drill, a trend line, and a gas stove burner

Market-calibrated Forecasts for Natural Gas Prices

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing wind turbines, cooling tower and coal power plant

New U.S. Power Costs: by County, with Environmental Externalities

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Journal Publication:
Rhodes, Joshua D., King, Carey, Gülen, Gürcan, Olmstead, Sheila M., Dyer, James S., Hebner, Robert E., Beach, Fred C., Edgar, Thomas F., Webber, Michael E.. “A geographically resolved method to estimate levelized power plant costs with environmental externalities,” Energy Policy, 2017, 102 (March 2017), 491-499, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.12.025. View paper free online here or download PDF.

photo collage from cover of white paper, showing American flag on lamp post, map of US, city skyline

Quantifying Diversity of Electricity Generation in the U.S.

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Journal Publication:
Wu, Tiffany Yue-wei, Rai, Varun "Quantifying diversity of electricity generation in the U.S.," The Electricity Journal, 2017, Volume 30, Issue 7, Pages 55-66, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2017.09.001

photo collage from cover of white paper, showing wind turbines, skyscrapers, and  city skyline at night

State Level Financial Support for Electricity Generation Technologies: An analysis of Texas & California

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photo collage from cover of white paper, showing transmission lines, a person at a keyboard and a map

Trends in Transmission, Distribution, and Administration Costs for U.S. Investor Owned Electric Utilities

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Click here to access the data used in this White Paper.

Read a related blog post at IEEE Spectrum

Journal Publication:
Fares, Robert L. and King, Carey W. “Trends in transmission, distribution, and administration costs for U.S. investor-owned electric utilities,” Energy Policy, 2017, 105 (June 2017), 354-362., doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.036. Journal paper: online link. Data: Underlying FERC Form1 data are available via OpenEI (for data from 1994-2016).