Executive Vice President, Houston Area Urban League
Eric M. Goodie currently serves as Executive Vice President for the Houston Area Urban League. He is responsible for Affiliate operations and provides vision, leadership, organizational governance, and strategic direction for the agency. In his role, he directs Urban League internal and external operations, corporate relationships, program planning, and development, identifies and facilitates funding or charitable opportunities, and secures program resources.
Eric has a successful track record of managing and leading complex multi-million dollar projects and has worked and/or partnered with the nation’s largest companies. He provides direct oversight for business management, skills training, and business consultation enabling entrepreneurs to obtain SBE/MWBE and HUB certification. He directs HAUL’s Entrepreneurship Center contracts providing technical assistance in areas of Business Development, Pre-venture Business Strategies, Business Branding, Market Analysis, Access To Capital/Financing, Procurement, and Contracts. Additionally, Goodie helped to develop and implement the HAUL Center for Social Justice and Education which provides experiences that build awareness, develop leaders, and accelerate change among individuals, teams and groups as we seek best and next practices in the social justice space.
Prior to Urban League service, Mr. Goodie’s corporate experiences include American General, Century Development Corp., Centeq Equities (now Camden Properties) and Shearson Lehman Brothers.
Eric also serves as President of Harris County Utility District No. 15 and Lincoln Green Advisory Committee responsible for District operations, tax assessment, asset management, community development, and water systems infrastructure. His expertise results from experience as a Securities Broker and Analyst where he helped plan and develop Real Estate acquisitions, syndications and marketed Real Estate Limited Partnerships.
His past and present credentials and involvement include Asset Management Certification; National Association of Workforce Professionals; NCCER Master Trainer; Member, Association of Water Board Directors and American Water Works Association; American Leadership Forum Senior Fellow; Registered Insurance Representative; Licensed Securities Broker; and Texas Real Estate Agent.
Goodie, a native Houstonian, attended Prairie View A&M University, University of Houston, and received certifications from Indiana University Lilly School of Philanthropy and NeighborWorks America. Eric is married to his wife of 32 years, Venora and has two children, Ashley and Eric II.