Phases & Stages Ep. 3 | Midland: The (Not So) Tall Tale of Energy in the Tall City
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In this episode, host Andy Uhler travels to Midland, Texas to hear from folks in the Permian Basin about the diverse and rich energy resources that help fuel the United States, and the world. Midland has been known for oil and gas since the 1920s, but there's a new kind of energy popping up in town that has some folks upset about the changing times.
Taking a scene of Tommy Norris describing the carbon footprint of wind energy in the Permian Basin from the Paramount+ show "Landman" as a launching point, Josh Rhodes, a research scientist in the Webber Energy Group at The University of Texas at Austin, distinguishes fact from bravado.
Uhler interviews numerous other folks, including Kirk Edwards, who grew up in West Texas and previously ran the Permian Basin Petroleum Association. He talked with Jeff Clark, president of Advanced Power Alliance, a renewable energy advocacy group. And he sat down with Trey Murphy, a sustainability specialist at the accounting firm Forvis Mazars, and many others, to understand how changing energy prices, politics, and a changing energy market have impacted Midland, what downsides and benefits change has brought, and where the community of Midland is now.
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About the Podcast
Phases and Stages: The Texas Energy Story is a podcast that airs monthly from the Energy Institute. In Season 1, host Andy Uhler visits a different Texas location each month to explore the changing energy landscape across the state.
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