midland cover

Podcast Phases & Stages Ep. 3 | Midland: The (Not So) Tall Tale of Energy in the Tall City

Midland has been known for oil and gas since the 1920s, but there's a new kind of energy popping up in town that has some folks upset about the changing times.
Poster Competition Collage

UT Energy Week March 31–April 4

Expert-led panels, research presentations, mini-symposia, and dynamic networking opportunities with a focus on emerging technologies, policy developments, and business innovation. Free and open to the public.

About Us

The Energy Institute serves as a convener of expertise at The University of Texas at Austin and across the region to enable and lead significant and strategic energy research and education collaboration between academic, community, government, and industry partners.

The Energy Institute helps support UT’s students and over 450 faculty and research staff from UT’s top-ranked programs and centers in engineering, business, geosciences, natural sciences, architecture, law, and public affairs.

What We Do


UT Expertise to Reduce Emissions from Oil and Gas and Improve Measurement Accuracy

Energy Institute and GTI will lead a collaborative effort to provide training, leak detection and repairs at oil and gas wells and pipelines in the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico.

Deadline Extended to March 3: 2025 Strategic Energy Seed Grant Call for Proposals

The Strategic Seed Grant Program is a funding opportunity to spark new, impactful and collaborative research in any field of energy, including business, law and policy, with an aim towards decarbonization and energy security.

Permian Energy Development Lab (PEDL) Moves Into Round Two in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Regional Innovation Engines Program

PEDL aims to bring significant new investment in innovation and economic development to the Permian Basin, across West Texas and Southeast New Mexico.

DOE Announces Award for up to $1.2 Billion for the Gulf Coast Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub to Bolster America’s Global Clean Energy Competitiveness and Strengthen Our National Energy Security

The University of Texas at Austin will help accelerate the development of the global market for hydrogen and advance secure and sustainable energy in the U.S. and the world. As the lead academic institution and a founding partner in the HyVelocity Hub, UT will provide lifecycle and techno-economic analyses of the projects and lead the Hub's workforce development efforts.

New Podcast Episode: Phases & Stages Ep.2 | The Town Where it Rains Money

Host Andy Uhler, energy correspondent for NPR's Marketplace, BBC, and KUT's Texas Standard, travels to Rockdale, Texas, population 5,300. Once heralded as ‘The Town Where It Rains Money’, Rockdale has already gone through its own energy transition. Its story offers a cautionary tale of a community trying to use what remains of the energy industry of the past, while anticipating economic benefits from the energy industry of the future.

Community Archetypes in the Permian Basin and Their Relationship to Energy Resources

The Permian Energy Development Lab (PEDL) has used an archetype approach to build a detailed profile of each Permian county. Using the archetype framework for future studies, PEDL will identify challenges and opportunities associated with participation in the energy transition and propose fitted strategies promoting new economic growth.

Energy Education at The University of Texas at Austin

The Energy Institute works with schools and departments across campus to foster energy-related courses and energy entrepreneurship. The Institute manages the interdisciplinary Graduate Portfolio Program in Energy Studies; sponsors a weekly guest lecture series, the UT Energy Symposium; and hosts UT Energy Week, an annual gathering of energy experts. 

The Energy Institute helps elevate the public conversation about energy issues by connecting journalists with subject matter experts and via energy literacy programs like the podcast Phases and Stages: The Texas Energy Story.

To cultivate energy entrepreneurship across the 40 Acres, the Energy Institute co-created the Smart Energy Call for Innovation (c4i) to support student-led startups and collaborates with Texas Entrepreneurship Exchange for Energy (TEX-E)

Learn More About Energy Education at UT
Energy Week 2025

March 31 – April 4, 2025: What Starts Here Energizes the World

Kickoff UT’s Year of Energy with a full week of talks, panels, chats, networking, and workshops hosted by the UT Energy Institute and Kay Bailey Hutchison Energy Center that highlight the unrivaled breadth and depth of energy research and knowledge at UT, and other leading minds in the energy industry progressing energy solutions for global impact.

Energy Institute Youtube Channel

Energy Institute Youtube Channel

A collection of more than 440 recorded lectures from leaders in academia, industry, philanthropy, government, CBO's and NGO’s, on a wide range of topics in energy research, policy, business, education and innovation.

Thumbnail for Kent Zheng

Reimagining Battery Chemistries for Sustainable Energy Storage

Kent Zheng
Assistant Professor, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering & Texas Materials Institute, The University of Texas at Austin

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m.


hand with chalk drawing of an envelope

UT Energy Bulletin

A monthly e-newsletter recap of all things energy on The University of Texas at Austin campus.

Professor Erich Schneider being interviewed at his desk

Find an Expert

Energy at UT has more than 400 energy experts contributing to world-class research.



UT Energy Week

Register now to attend UT Energy Week 2025, March 31 – April 4. 

UT Energy Symposium

This weekly class and public lecture series on Tuesdays during the fall/spring semesters features energy sector leaders and experts.

graphic that reads "  120+ Patents Issued to Battery Researchers, 20 Licensed Technologies, $335M In Research Funding for Battery Researchers Over Careers"

The Energy University Leads on Battery Innovation

The Cockrell School of Engineering has launched a new website for the UT Battery Research Group, which includes 28 faculty working on everything from novel storage materials to resource recovery.


New tool models future energy costs and carbon implications for U.S.

A new online interactive dashboard enables users to understand the costs and impacts of major supplies and demands of energy through the year 2050 across the U.S.

student associates request

We're seeking students to join the Energy Institute Student Associate team

Students will assist with communications, writing, social media, and administrative functions for the Spring 2025 semester.

Thanks to our Corporate Partners and Sponsors
